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Living As A Christian


Some people have strange ideas about what it means to live as a Christian. Some think it means you have to always be well presented, go to church twice every Sunday, not stay out past midnight, and never, never have fun.

Others think it means giving up all trace of individuality, giving all your money to the church, and living in some sort of commune.

Still, others think it’s about withdrawing from the world, losing touch with reality, and only ever mixing with other Christians.

Unfortunately, some Christians also believe these myths and give the rest of us a bad reputation.
Happily, we can tell you that none of the above is what real Christian living is about.


Christianity is all about having a relationship with the God who created us.

So to live as a Christian, you actually have to be one. That may sound obvious, but many people try to ‘live a Christian life’ without having any understanding of what Christianity is all about. If you haven’t already, why don't you come to our Church and speak with Benjamin, the Minister, and he will explain it to you.


Becoming a Christian begins with a prayer.


The way we come to know God is through a relationship with His Son, Jesus Christ. The way we come to know God is through a relationship with His Son, Jesus Christ—by responding in faith to his invitation to a new life. If you want to accept that invitation, all you have to do is ask Him.

In fact, you can pray right now wherever you are using this simple prayer:


“Lord Jesus, I want to know You personally. Thank You for dying on the cross for my sins. I open the door of my life and receive You as my Saviour and Lord. Thank You for forgiving me of my sins and giving me eternal life. Take control of my life and make me the kind of person You want me to be. Amen.” 


What does it mean to be a Christian?

The word Christian literally means “one who follows Christ.” (Christ is another name for Jesus.) To be a Christian means that a person, first, believes what the Bible teaches about Jesus—that he is God’s Son, that he lived a life in perfect relationship with God, that he was executed, buried and raised again to life, and that his death paid the penalty for our inability to keep God’s Law (sin).


But, it means more than that; it means that, as a result of believing what the Bible teaches, a person admits that he has broken God’s Law and accepts the fact that relying upon what Jesus did is the only way that God can forgive him, personally. When that takes place, the Bible teaches that that person is forgiven and introduced into an active relationship with Jesus, now and forever.


That active relationship with Jesus means that we have access to God’s guidance in our daily lives, that we have a new sense of purpose and fulfillment in life, even in difficult times. That active relationship with Jesus means that we, too, become a Christian—” one who follows Christ”—in the full and complete sense of the word.


All Are Sinners

First, we must be willing to admit that we are sinners and need God’s forgiveness. 

Then, we must believe that God forgives our sins, not because of anything we have done, but because of what Jesus has already done for us. When God forgives sin, He cannot merely overlook its consequences. Full payment must be made for our sins. The Good News is Christ’s death made that payment in full for those who trust Him.


What Do I do after I commit my life to Jesus?

Once you have made the commitment to follow Jesus, what’s next?



 Call your family, a friend or colleague. Contact anyone whom you think would celebrate your decision to follow Jesus. You can tell Benjamin (Minister) or contact us and we will rejoice with you and pray for you. 



 This is especially important, especially if you don’t know someone who would celebrate your decision to follow Christ. Christians in a church will walk with you as you explore this new life. If you live within Blairgowrie or you would like to visit us, you will be very welcomed to come to Blairgowrie Parish Church and be part of our family.



Try to set aside time for Bible reading each day. See our page under 'Devotionals,' for suggestions. Pray before you start and expect God to teach you from His Word. Your new life is not about feelings, but trusting in God and learning more about Him. Reading the Bible each day gives food to your spirit, in the same way, mealtime satisfies your natural daily hunger for food.


Get a modern version of the Bible such as the "English Standard Version" (ESV) or the “New International Version,” (NIV). Don’t try to read the Bible straight through from the beginning. You could easily become disillusioned and give up!


Try reading from the New Testament, to begin with. You will find the New Testament in the last third of your Bible. Start with the Gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. These books will give you a broad picture of Jesus, His life and death from different viewpoints. If you don’t own a Bible you can start reading or purchase one online at and type in “Matthew 1.”



Find a Bible study group at your church. There you can ask questions and meet fellow learners. More to Follow on how to join a Homegroup within Blairgowrie Parish Church!



Prayer is talking to God. He loves you and wants you to know Him better. It may seem awkward at first, but any new relationship takes time to feel natural. Use that time to tell God about your day, about your questions and about the things that may be troubling you. Use it to ask Him for direction and just to tell Him how much you appreciate what He has already done for you. It’s helpful to have a set daily prayer time. Having a regular prayer time built into your daily routine will help you become established as a new Christian.



 Baptism is the public act of identifying yourself as a Christian. Jesus commanded all His followers to be baptized. Speak with Benjamin (Minister) for more information.


Still, have questions? We can help. Send us an email or contact Benjamin

In Christ Alone


Blairgowrie Parish Church is a congregation within the Church of Scotland.  We are part of Perth Presbytery.


We are a registered Scottish Charity No. SC033757

Blairgowrie Parish Church

James Street



PH10 6EZ




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