Daily Devotionals
Daily devotions or quiet times are time spent each day dedicated to relating with God. When Christians speak of daily devotions, they are usually referring to a time of reading their Bible, doing a Bible study, or reading a devotional book, accompanied by a time of prayer. Some may simply pray. Some also include musical worship. No matter the format of a daily devotional time, it is important. God desires relationship with us. He created us and has redeemed us for this very purpose.
The following links are designed to help you to follow some recommended devotional sites and Bible reading plans. We hope and pray that you will find it useful and a blessing as you endeavour to worship God and grow in your faith and your love for Him.
Word for You (For Young People)
Reading Plans
To start an interactive Bible reading plan, simply go to ESV.org and click on the calendar icon near the top right corner of the page. This will open the reading plan pane, which features 18 interactive reading plans—all accessible with a free account.
Alternatively, the following Bible reading plans are available as PDF downloads for easy printing: