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Thinking about joining the Church?


People come in to Church membership for many different reasons. Some are considering having a child baptised. Some wish to make a formal commitment to the Church because they are planning to marry (Church membership is not essential for marriage – though it is encouraged!) All people who join the Church want to make a personal commitment in faith to Jesus Christ, and to the broader Church family and the many good things the Christian Church represents.


We recommend to any believer in Jesus Christ who has become a regular part of our church community to consider becoming a member. But what does that mean? How do I know if I’m a true believer? What do I have to do to become a member? Will I have responsibilities as a member? I’m only a new Christian! What if I’m already a member of a different church or denomination?


There are many more questions you might have about membership at Blairgowrie Parish Church. This course aims to answer all those questions and probably others that you haven’t thought of yet. It is a course specifically for those who are enquiring or preparing for membership. It’s also a very good course for new Christians.


Psalm 92 reminds us that one of the keys to flourishing in life is to be planted in the house of the Lord. When we are planted, we grow in knowledge, become encouraged, and serve others in ways that change lives forever!


How Do I Become a Member?

There are three ways of becoming a member of Blairgowrie Parish Church:


By Profession of Faith

Where church membership is being sought for the first time, first and foremost, if you are not already doing so simply start to attend regularly. Let the minister know of your interest, he will invite you to a series of classes which involves no obligation on either side. Afterwards if you decide to join you would take vows of membership along with others at a church service.


By Certificate of Transference

Any member of a Church of Scotland congregation wishing to become a member of Blairgowrie Parish Church should ask their previous Minister or Session Clerk to send them a transference certificate (lines). This certificate should then be given to the Church Secretary (or the Minister) with a view to your name being added to the membership of our church. It is of course important that you take an active interest; otherwise such membership would be meaningless.


By Resolution of the Kirk Session

Where someone seeking membership has been a Church of Scotland member but cannot supply a certificate or if they are a baptised member of another denomination, then the Kirk Session can resolve to admit them into membership.


If you are interested in joining Blairgowrie Parish Church, please contact us.  


If you wish to join our Church you will be expected to attend 'Membership Classes.'

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Blairgowrie Parish Church is a congregation within the Church of Scotland.  We are part of Perth Presbytery.


We are a registered Scottish Charity No. SC033757

Blairgowrie Parish Church

James Street



PH10 6EZ




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