Bible Study. Every Wednesday at 7.30 pm in person in the Church Sanctuary as well as via 'Zoom.'
Contact: David Howat: david@thehowats.net
Sunday School Resources for Families are available on this Church website under the 'This Week at Home.' Do use them with your children and worship God through it together.
Weekly Sunday Sermons. The weekly Sunday sermons can be found online (both video and audio) within our website. Click here and Tune in and together hear God's Word!
"Our Daily Bread.' The latest Bible reading notes are now available. If you would like a copy let us know and we could drop it to you or you can pick a copy at the Church. Also, they can be read online 'Our Daily Bread.'​
Giving in Challenging Times - Would you consider a Standing Order? If you think there is some merit in changing your giving from the FWO envelopes or cash to Standing Order, please contact Dr Alisdair Shaw. He has an explanatory letter and a prepared Standing Order form he can send you. You may also wish to read a letter from the Church of Scotland on Generosity in Adversity. Thank you.​​
Meeting every Wednesday from 10.00-12.00
(Blairgowrie Parish Church Hall)
Bring along your craft, knitting, sewing, crochet, colouring or just come to enjoy the company and a cuppa.