
The Social Club is a friendly group who meet from the first week of September to the last week in May for fun activity, chat and refreshments.
TUESDAY - 1.30pm - 3.30pm for Badminton.
WEDNESDAYS - 7.00 pm onwards for Badminton, Table Tennis and Darts.
FRIDAYS - 10.00am - 12 noon for Carpet Bowls.
Our Fit 'Young' Badminton Stars in action - why not come and join them!!
Good Fun at Carpet Bowls but sometimes rest is needed (even from Dominos)
Visitors and new members are always welcome. Why not come along?
Visitors fees are £1.50 per session for a maximum of 3 sessions after which the membership fee of £12.00 per year and a sessional fee of £1.00 is payable.
Anne Byres, Secretary, Social Club.
TEL: tbc