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Our Constitution

The Congregation is a registered charity, number SC033757 and is administered in accordance with the Deed of Constitution (Unitary Form). The congregation voted for this in May 2023, with it being implemented in October of the same year.

The Kirk Session comprises of all active Elders who are members of the Congregation and who have been elected to the Eldership of The Church of Scotland. It has oversight of the whole life and service of the Church within its Parish; responsibility for the spiritual and pastoral oversight of the Congregation’s affairs.

Its spiritual responsibility involves leadership, nurturing the spirituality of the Congregation and its members, caring for the spiritual welfare of the Parish and Parishioners, encouraging members to participate in the worship and life of the Congregation, and promoting mission and evangelism in the Parish.

The Kirk Session meets four times per year, with additional meetings held as required by circumstances. The day-today work of the church is undertaken, on behalf of the Kirk Session, by our Working Groups.

Membership of each group is open to all church members and beyond and each group can co-opt anyone with a particular skill and interest – either for a short time, or a longer period.


The Working Groups:


The Leadership Team is responsible for overseeing and managing the life and work of the church by supporting both the Kirk Session and the Working Teams. It will compose of the minister, Session Clerk, minute secretary and Convenor/representative from each Working Group. Briefly,

•   Ensuring good communication amongst the Working Teams and the Kirk Session.

•   Discussing, consider and agreeing matters to be placed before the Kirk Session.

•   Preparing and circulating Kirk Session agendas and papers based upon these discussions and Session/Presbytery and National Church priorities.

•   Receiving minutes of all Team meetings and making these available to the Kirk Session.



The Worship Working Team has overall responsible for all forms of worship within and beyond the church family, encouraging others to participate as the National and local church reduces its ministerial capacity. Its work should support the minister in the style, content and planning of worship. Briefly,

•   Increasing the style and number of worship opportunities which reach out with the Gospel to people of all ages and walks of life.

•   Developing and encouraging opportunities for the extension of the Church’s prayer life.

•   Encouraging and supporting wider participation by members/adherents in and leading worship.

•   Taking responsibility for the preparation of the church for special services and events e.g. Communion, Christmas, Easter.


Finance & Stewardship

The Finance & Stewardship Working Team has overall responsible for the monitoring, controlling, and reporting of all income and expenditure. It should keep before the congregation the financial needs of the church and promote ways in which members can be encouraged in all aspects of Christian Stewardship. Briefly,

•   The treasurer’s preparation of regular management accounts and full end of financial year accounts.

•   The maintenance of pay roll records for our employees, preparing grant applications for projects, completing vat reclaims, etc.

•   Co-ordination of income from the weekly collection, and maintenance of gift aid scheme.

•   Proposing ways to manage/reduce regular costs and ways to increase giving and raise funds:

•   Meeting national church, Presbytery and OSCR (Scottish Charity Regulator) requirements.



The Fabric Working Team has overall responsibility for the care and maintenance the heritable and moveable properties of the congregation, reporting to Session meeting when required. Briefly,

•   The provision of premises and equipment which are safe, fit for purpose, eco-friendly (wherever possible) and supporting activities in line with our aims.

•   Development and sustaining a five-year rolling programme which maintains/improves the building.

•   Matters relating to health and safety around and within the church premises and seeking specialist advice from qualified persons or organisations as necessary.

•   Arranging and managing the cleaning and maintenance of the church premises and grounds.

•   Maintaining and managing the booking system for Hall Letting.

•   Maintaining records and registers required by the church and statutory bodies.


Mission & Outreach

The Mission & Outreach Working Team has overall responsibility for developing and implementing (with others) a practical and achievable mission for the church. It will coordinate, plan, carry out, and evaluate Mission & Outreach in aspects identified as priorities.

  • Developing our Ministries through Mission by supporting those committed to serving God by providing encouragement, training and resources.

•   Considering and planning outreach to all members of the parish.

•   Strengthening our partnerships with others, including other Christian organisations and missionaries/oversea workers.

•   Working with the Roll Keeper, developing and maintaining an effective programme which welcomes new members into the life of the congregation.

•   Supporting and developing discipleship initiatives in the life of the congregation.

•   Encourage sharing of The Gospel among the congregation and local community by organising fellowship events (e.g., concerts, speakers, etc.) to which anyone, particularly the ‘unchurched’, would be invited.

•   Develop and support a programme of Christian education for children, youth and families.

•   Support leaders to develop work with children, youth and families.

•   Liaise with the members of the congregation to provide refreshments for after worship and other events.


Pastoral Care

The Pastoral Care Team has overall responsibility to offer care and support to others, in the knowledge of being loved themselves by God and in the hope of sharing that love with them. The team will formally provide pastoral support in addition to the informal ways in which other church members support friends or those in their districts. Briefly,

•   Developing and supporting opportunities for the extension of the Church’s prayer life.

•   Providing an appropriate level of Pastoral Care for identified members/adherents, as and when needed.

•   Providing and supporting identified opportunities for pastoral care in the community, in cooperation with other bodies, where appropriate.

•   Developing and supporting the work of the Minister and Pastoral Care Team.

•   Maintaining contact with local Care Homes and Assisted Living/Sheltered Housing.

•   Work with the Safeguarding Coordinator(s) to support safeguarding training and policies.



The Communications Working Team has overall responsibility for promoting and supporting the congregation’s communication links, internally and externally. Reporting to Session as required, it will work to establish an effective communications strategy for all aspects of Church life and witness. Briefly,

  • Supporting others to reach out with the Gospel to people of all ages from all walks of life.

•   Disseminating information throughout the parish about church activities.

•   Working with ‘Mission & Outreach’, identify opportunities for the church to be present at local events inc. agricultural shows.

•   Preparation of input in the local paper ‘The Blairie.’

•   Supporting preparation of Order of Services, rotas and other relevant literature.

•   Maintenance of church resources (e.g., Church Library).

•   Purchasing of appropriate Christian literature.​


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Blairgowrie Parish Church is a congregation within the Church of Scotland.  We are part of Perth Presbytery.


We are a registered Scottish Charity No. SC033757

Blairgowrie Parish Church

James Street



PH10 6EZ




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